Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry
research centre
Participant Information
NRAMP is an observational, nationwide study which follows the journey of mother and baby during pregnancy, delivery and for the first year of the baby’s life. It is designed to collect and record information on maternal and neonatal health and wellbeing during this time frame. It is not designed to provide treatment recommendations, make mental health diagnoses or pass judgement on any individual.
Information is gathered approximately every trimester during pregnancy, via telephone and/or face-to-face interviews. The information collected includes:
• the mother’s social, family and medical history
• details of the mother’s mental illness and medications prescribed
• obstetric history and outcomes
• information about the baby’s health and wellbeing
The researcher may also collect additional information about the participant’s medical history from the healthcare professionals involved in her care, if the participant gives her permission.
During the first year of the baby’s life, the researcher also contacts the mother when the baby is six weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months old. This is to ask the mother about:
• her health
• her baby’s health
• her experiences of being a mother
What does NRAMP aim to achieve?
Provide a better understanding of antipsychotic medication use during pregnancy, birth and for the first year of the baby’s life
Allow for the development of evidence-based medication saftey guidelines for the best use and effect of antipsychotic medication during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal phase
Assist healthcare professionals, and women with mental illness, to make informed decisions about appropriate treatment options, and encourage safer outcomes for both mother and baby, during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal phase
Enhance our knowledge regarding the care of women with mental illness during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal phase
NRAMP Documents:
• Participant Information & Consent Form (PI&CF) - for the use of participants
This provides a lay description of the study, plus two consent forms which need to be signed by potential participants if they wish to take part.
Clinicians may wish to provide a copy of the PI&CF to their patients, who are then advised to read through the information thoroughly to gain a good understanding of the study before consents are signed.
A witness to the potential participant's consent is also required, which may be a partner, family member, friend or clinician.
Participation is always voluntary, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time should they wish to do so
Any information collected, as part of the NRAMP study, that can identify any individual will remain confidential. Information about a participant can be disclosed only with that person’s permission, except where required by law or if there are clear management issues requiring information to be shared with the treating team.
NRAMP Participants Brochure_Aug 2018.pdf345.27 KB
Recommended literature.pdf735.81 KB
NRAMP flyer v2 070219.pdf304.03 KB
NRAMP PI&CF Version 3.pdf87.67 KB
Interested in taking part in the study?
Participation in NRAMP research study is voluntary. Women can join the study at any time during pregnancy or up to 12 months postnatally. Please express your interest by contacting email:
NRAMP Participant Ambassadors
NRAMP is looking for Participant Ambassadors to share their stories and experiences of the need for antipsychotic medication during pregnancy, and the impact this has on their families and lifestyles. This may include talking with clinicians, consumers and carers at appropriate forums; it may also include the opportunity to write their stories for inclusion in NRAMP Newsletters, Booklets and the NRAMP website.
The role of the NRAMP Participant Ambassador provides an opportunity for women to assist others in similar situations and to enhance the understanding of the needs of this group within our communities. The role is one of support for women in our communities who require antipsychotic medication during pregnancy, thereby assisting with recruitment for NRAMP.
To be eligible, women need to be current or past NRAMP consented participants, living in Australia and able to provide informed consent.
Role of the NRAMP Participant Ambassador.pdf173.4 KB
Story writing guidelines for NRAMP participants.pdf172.48 KB