Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry
research centre
We have an international reputation for innovative research and pioneering new treatments for people suffering from mental illness.
Track Record
Some of our achievements include:
The use of estrogen to improve schizophrenia symptoms and outcomes for women
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): a non-drug, non-invasive treatment technique for depression and schizophrenia, particularly for those for whom medication is unsuitable or inadequate
Discovery of vestibular biomarkers to detect early onset of mental illness (winner of the 2010 ABC New Inventors Program)
As well as advances in treatments and diagnostics, MAPrc makes a difference through its capacity to deliver projects and intelligence to external bodies, such as pharmaceutical companies, governments and service providers. We have a proven track record in undertaking mental health economics research that informs and shapes policy.
MAPrc hosted a summit for the Commonwealth Government on best practice collaborative care models for managing people with persistent mental illness. MAPrc also hosted the 3rd International Women's Congress on Mental Health and the 2013 Australasian Schizophrenia Conference.