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Useful Links


Beyondblue, the national depression initiative  
An Australian organisation which provides information about depression to consumers, carers and health professionals


PANDA Post and Ante Natal Depression Association
PANDA is committed to a community where post and antenatal mood disorders are recognised and the impact on women and their families are minimised through acknowledgement, support and education.


Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing – maternal and child health section
Information and details of programs for pregnant women and babies


Australian Government Immunise Australia Program
Information about immunisations and the free immunisation program for babies and adults, provided by the Australian Government.


HealthInsite Pregnancy page
Information about pregnancy and the health of pregnant women and unborn children.


Better Health Channel – baby care section
Information, useful telephone numbers and links to help with caring for babies.


Consumer Dangers
Across the world, death and serious injuries occur from Consumer Products all too often. This site is dedicated to helping raise awareness of these products that we hope will decrease the amount of these tragedies. Education is the key to consumer protection, and we hope to be the best resource available.

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